1 May 2017: White police officer Roy Oliver killed a 15-year-old black boy as he was leaving a Dallas-area house party in what officials described on Monday as a shooting that did not meet police department standards. "We have a certain set of core values, and it did not meet our core values," Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber said.
The boy, Jordan Edwards, had been in a car with several other teens heading out after a party in Balch Springs, near Dallas, on Saturday night, said Lee Merritt, an attorney for the boy's family. When officers arrived at the scene around 11 p.m., police initially said in a statement, they heard gunshots and encountered a car that was backing toward them "aggressive[ly]." Edwards, who was sitting in the front seat, was shot in the head and later died.
But on Monday, after reviewing body camera footage, Haber revised this, saying that he had questions about what he saw "and what is consistent with policies and core values of the Balch Springs Police Department."
Ha ha ha ha! I work in what is called *Law Enforcement.* All these agencies have what they call their *Core Values.* That's the bullshit they post on their website and pass out to Media when they invariably fuck-up.
Let me tell you the real *Core Values* of the Po-Lice:
They think the costume they put on means they are Übermensch, above the piddling *civilians* they demand subservience from. They will barely tolerate a second-look from a white, and not-at-all from a colored person. They claim they *protect and serve,* but in reality they only push around the unfortunate dopes they pull over. Oh, and cops would barely catch any criminals if criminals didn't drive. And if criminals only drove on rainy nights, the jails would be empty. The Po-Lice are too soft and lazy to pull over anybody in the rain. The Po-Lice are also cowardly. Despite wearing ridiculous suits of body armor and being armed with a variety of weapons, they will piss their pants, start shooting and ask questions later if:
a civilian, white or black, has anything remotely resembling a gun or knife in his hand. . .
a large black male walks toward them. . .
Half the charges the po-lice throw at black males end up getting reduced or dismissed. If a black male says *what?,* the po-lice charge him with felony resisting and obstructing, and lock his sorry black ass up.
I know from years of experience the po-lice have only scorn for whites, and absolutely despise colored people, and think ANY killing of a black male is justified. Trust me, the gutless Texas cop who shot Jordan Edwards is considered a hero by his po-lice *brothers.* They're all sitting in some shitty po-lice station feeling persecuted and raging irrationally over all the *fuss* over a *dead nigger.*
{And black po-lice go along with it. Black po-lice are the worst sell-outs, some of them even come to adopt their white masters hatred for black skin, while most of them grin and bear it, grateful for the only job they can get which will pay them the 50k - 70k they need to move away from their own people.}
All the Black Lives Matters protests in the world will never change the po-lice mindset. . .
I don't say this in any way to condone violence, but the po-lice will only change their tactics when ten or twenty of them are killed every day. . .and they will change their tactics only out of cowardice. . .they will be too terrified to continue lording it over the little men and women they think they rule. Of course, if ten or twenty po-lice were killed every day, you'd see a mass exodus of the *men in blue.*
Believe me, whenever a po-lice is killed, even if it's a po-lice a thousand miles away, the po-lice I work with literally tremble in fear, imagining they are next.
The entire United States po-lice forces are comprised of psychotics, dangerously out of touch with reality. . .they need to be replaced by genuine *peace officers,* human beings who want to help, and not hurt, their local communities, who have some guts and thick skin, and won't start firing wildly at their own shadow, which they think is a colored person coming after them.
Ha! The po-lice kill hundreds of people every year, almost all of them unjustified, and yet the average Joe has no idea how unhinged and incompetent the po-lice are. They watch those dumb po-lice shows on TV and think real-life cops are, by and large, decent people working hard at a thankless job. In reality, po-lice are lazy, gutless, racist, uninterested in community patrol, and receive tons of thanks. . .most po-lice spend their time going from one eatery to the next, stuffing their bellies with free food and drink, which they accept as their right. They spend most of their shift looking the other way, and when they stumble by accident onto trouble, they immediately turn yellow and call for back-up, and then pull their guns. Heaven help any poor bastard who comes their way. . .