Fuck Lady Gaga and Ke$ha and all these other Modern Pop Whores. . .they're boring Madonna retreads. . .and Madonna was tedious, to begin with. Now Chrissie Hynde was one hot piece of ass, back in the day. Naturally cool and sexy, no need for any cheap theatrics. Today Chrissie turns 60. Look at her in that video above. . .from about 8 or 9 months ago. The face is pretty worn out. . .but I'd still eat her pussy, no problem. She's real flesh and blood, blessed with a natural creative energy. . .whereas this Lady Gaga is lifeless. . .she's a fucking Transformer, folding into ten different pop robots. . .you might as well try to eat Chromia's pussy.
Here's a picture of Hynde when she was in high school. . .looks like a Manson girl. How hot is that?
Sixty years old?!?! Back On The Chain Gang was released thirty years ago?!?! Chrissie is an old lady?!?! And she's not nearly old enough to be my mother. The grave is not far off. . .
From John 12:25, "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal."
Gaga changed my mind, for good and bad, when she did a solo performance on the Howard Stern show. No electronica or whatever. It was pretty damn good. Just her and her piano.
So, my mind was changed for good in that I now believe she is a talented person, but also for bad. She's selling out with this meat-dress and being delivered in an egg crapola.
Pat Benatar meets Elvira meets The Toecutter. I guess she's pretty enough, but I'll bet that gash tastes like motor-oil and Old Grand Dad's.
You're partially right about Gaga -- the lyrics are mostly pop-culture scurf and trendy FagSpeak. Still, she's one talented broad....heard her do a wicked good solo version of Paparazzi. Writes a bunch of her own stuff, too. Too bad she'll probably end up paying the price for blaspheming against our Lord and Savior. Then again, who knows? There have been more unlikely conversions. *** Silas
Hey, Jack. The older I get, the less I want to leave my footprints out there. Prematurely superannuated, I guess, like one of those dour-looking stone fuckers on Easter Island.
Besides, I figured I'd see ya on Hank's blog.
I'll be headed down to your neck of the woods next year. Visiting the ATL aquarium. The old lady wants to see that world-famous shark exhibit. Moving back to Carolina shortly thereafter: I brought up GA as a possibility, but she's heard too many horror stories. Greensboro and Winston are almost as 'dusky', but there are plenty of nice, homogenous bedroom communities to make up for it. I just don't know too much about GA...
First you feel like an Easter Island Statue...next thing you know, it's reruns of Matlock, suspenders, & microwaved prune-juice. Those flirty college cuties seem to get a little colder each passing year.
Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat ***
By turns impressionistic and expressionistic, Belgian filmmaker Johan
Grimonprez’s recent documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat weaves together
newsreel ...
Hank Williams & the Goat Testicle Doctor
As a boy in Alabama, Hank Williams would go out to the car at night and
listen to country music broadcast from a million-watt, outlaw radio tower
in Mexico...
The Real Neo-Nazis
*The Real Neo-Nazis*
*What could be more "Nazi" than exterminating the disabled? *
Copenhagen Post, July 22, page 6
By Michael Hoffman
Christ's Onkos
Like Origen, that brilliant theologian of the 3rd century Alexandrine
church, I'm not much enamoured of a 'birth day' for the baby Jesus. Saying
that only ...
Portnoy's Complaint
Roth's protagonist, "Alexander Portnoy" obsesses about Gentile women, lusts
after his stock-Jewish mother, and chronicles his sexual experiences wi...
Dansk Lagkage
This is Danish Lagkage. This is the tradtional (and normal) birthday cake
in Denmark. There is fruit inside (usually tangerines, strawberrys), some
sort of...
"The grave is not far off. . . . "
ReplyDeleteFrom John 12:25, "He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal."
Gaga changed my mind, for good and bad, when she did a solo performance on the Howard Stern show. No electronica or whatever. It was pretty damn good. Just her and her piano.
So, my mind was changed for good in that I now believe she is a talented person, but also for bad. She's selling out with this meat-dress and being delivered in an egg crapola.
But then again, it's what sells.
Pat Benatar meets Elvira meets The Toecutter. I guess she's pretty enough, but I'll bet that gash tastes like motor-oil and Old Grand Dad's.
ReplyDeleteYou're partially right about Gaga -- the lyrics are mostly pop-culture scurf and trendy FagSpeak. Still, she's one talented broad....heard her do a wicked good solo version of Paparazzi. Writes a bunch of her own stuff, too. Too bad she'll probably end up paying the price for blaspheming against our Lord and Savior. Then again, who knows? There have been more unlikely conversions. *** Silas
Silas, where have you been, you mofo?
ReplyDeleteYou leave me, like Hank, to the masses of FB without a peep.
What is up with that mess? Right when I was showing promise with the updates and stuff, you leave.
I evolved past the stuff about bathroom habits right into hand-washing.
You'd be proud.
And also, Silas, you have not lived till you tried some Castrol 10-40 with a chaser of Old Granddad.
ReplyDeleteAdd some Starkist and moth-balls to this old broad, and a waft of cat-piss, and you're not far off.
But I like my Castrol and Diddy alone.
Hey, Jack. The older I get, the less I want to leave my footprints out there. Prematurely superannuated, I guess, like one of those dour-looking stone fuckers on Easter Island.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I figured I'd see ya on Hank's blog.
I'll be headed down to your neck of the woods next year. Visiting the ATL aquarium. The old lady wants to see that world-famous shark exhibit. Moving back to Carolina shortly thereafter: I brought up GA as a possibility, but she's heard too many horror stories. Greensboro and Winston are almost as 'dusky', but there are plenty of nice, homogenous bedroom communities to make up for it. I just don't know too much about GA...
First you feel like an Easter Island Statue...next thing you know, it's reruns of Matlock, suspenders, & microwaved prune-juice. Those flirty college cuties seem to get a little colder each passing year.
ReplyDeleteShe is not fat. If you use the same ATM you see her again someday.
ReplyDeleteAt least Hynde has aged a helluva lot better than Sinead O'Connor. ***Silas