There is no denying the great humor of The Hangover, a tale of a Las Vegas bachelor party that strays far from the usual track of liquor and titty bars, and ends up in a roofies-fueled comic nightmare of (among other weirdness) auto-dental-extraction and insta-parenthood. This is a jester's The Lost Weekend, in which the delirium tremens of four juvenile American males result not from withdrawal, but from the tasers of the clown police. This is the 21st century America in which the terminally sophomoric male can have both his madonna and his whore in a single female soul (played here by a remarkably well-preserved Heather Graham).
That the hero of this American folly should be an obese child molestor is entirely fitting. There is room under the Big Circus Tent of American Uncritical Hedonism for every debauchee. It is a testimony to the cleverness of the script that the audience laughs good-naturedly at the pervert antics of the pedophile character Alan, including his infant masturbation simulacrum. American dysfunction is presented as essentially harmless, the aberrant characters have a joie de vivre which immunizes them against their own stupidity.
The Hangover is well-written, well-directed, well-edited, well-acted and fast-paced freak show comedy. It's a cotton candy movie, the only kind Hollywood still excels at. It dazzles with its demented action, the audience laughs easily at its kOOky characters (you know you have a movie chock full o' kOOks when Mike Tyson, playing himself, seems the epitome of reason)--and when it's over? No thought has been provoked. But there's no point in criticizing The Hangover for its limitations. It's a movie from and about severely limited people, and it must be applauded for its lunatick honesty. This is America, in the Looking Glass.
ha ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the movie and reviewed it myself almost a year ago. . . . just revisited it (http://tableauofpabulum.blogspot.com/2009/06/hangover.html) and am laughing that I was in full not-gonna-get-married mode.
How times change, eh? Eh?
It was great for the laughs. Did I come out of it a better person? No. Do I mind? No.
Pure entertainment. I don't know if it reflects a light upon the American psyche or not. . . . I suppose it does, in a way. Repressed by 9-5 jobs (or 9-9 jobs; Americans are the most productive workers in the worlds. Where does that productivity go? Why are so many in debt?), Americans enjoy watching this silliness. It's welcome reprieve for many who are beaten down by life.
Especially those who believe the gifts of the world can give them happiness.
But for me, I liked it. I think I gave it a 9/10. It's almost as good as Grandma's Boy, which I give a 10/10.
Sometimes a funny movie is just a funny movie. . . . or maybe the immaturity of the characters is a dream for me; an aspiration.
By the way, your reviews are the best out there.
I got this one from the Redbox a few weeks back. Galifianakis had some pretty good lines. - Silas
ReplyDeleteOh yeah...BTW....just contact me at my old email address, if you still have it. Neither of my jobs allow access to Facebook. If not, just send a line to dolphengland@yahoo.com
Anderson, I just read your review of *The Hangover,* yeah, that is pretty funny, considering your marriage and all. I guess you are now like the one dude (and me) who was married. . .all you need now is the kid.
ReplyDelete*Grandma's Boy*--yes. I was going to mention that one as one of the earliest and best examples of the genre.
Silas, what about you? Have you joined the reluctantly married yet? I left you a message on Facebook, but I see now you probably didn't get it. I'll email you.
I got a message from Silas. He has acquired a ball-and-chain as well.
ReplyDeleteSomething in the well-water?