In an interview with a Paris publication three weeks ago, the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn said:
"Yes I like women.”
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn’s victim may be HIV+
Supporters of the theory the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn is the victim of a conspiracy try to paint the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn as an IMF *reformer* in favor of *kinder and gentler* lending terms for *developing nations*
What do we learn from today’s accounts?
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn supposedly *likes* women.
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn says:
“I like women.”
Ha ha ha.
If the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn like women, he wouldn’t have tried to force his circumcised cock into the negress hotel cleaning woman’s mouth.
No. The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn doesn’t like women. He likes to ABUSE women for the purpose of gratifying his basest desires.
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn says:
“I like women.”
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn likes women only if women are objects upon which he can freely and without conscience impose himself solely for his own psychological and carnal pleasure, and without regard to his object's privacy.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn likes women only if women are human property upon which he can trespass at will.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn likes women only if women are lesser beings to whom he owes NOT the empathy he now whimpers for at Riker’s Island. The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn presents himself as the victim (whether or not he believes this in the safety of his own mind), and asks for an empathy he has consistently denied women.
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn says:
“I like women.”
Ha ha ha.
If women are fully human beings, owners of will, allowed the privilege of resisting the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn’s gross sexual advances, then the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn HATES women, as the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn has a long history of serially disregarding women who say “no” to the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn’s raging prick.
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn says:
“I like women.”
Ha ha ha.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn is a liar, and is of his father, the devil, the father of lies.
Next, the poor genuine victim, the $23000-a-year negress cleaning woman, is outed as HIV+. Seeing as this poor washer woman is an immigrant from Africa, and that nearly all of Africa has HIV, there is no surprise here. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn because he engaged in *risky rape?* If you rape a dog, don’t cry if you get fleas. . .
Finally, this conspiracy theory nonsense about the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn *reforming* the IMF. Remember, initially we stated:
What the chief ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn did on the most personal level to the hotel maid, the colored hotel maid, is what his organization, the IMF, has done for decades on the national level to the poor colored states of the world: RAPE.
But now conspiracy theorists allege the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn is a *reformer,* and a *friend* to the colored peoples of the world.
Ha ha ha.
Utter nonsense.
Before his *risky rape,* the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn was scheduled to visit Greece and meet with the Greek finance minister about the IMF’s bailout plan for bankrupt Greece.
Were working class Greeks planning on lining the streets to greet the old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn with flowers and kisses?
Unions planned to hold demonstrations in Athens in protest at his visit and the strict austerity programme the government has imposed to meet IMF and EU conditions attached to the bailout.
And last week tens of thousands took to the streets to protest the reduced standard of living demanded by the usurious IMF.
The old and flabby ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn may have Santa Claus’ body, but he wasn’t delivering toys to the colored peoples of the world, he was delivering a usury which would oppress the coloreds for decades.
We say it again:
Now the ethnic usurer Strauss-Kahn has been caught acting out in his private life the same behaviors he practices in his public life as Man of the World: RAPE.
I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning...that Rapist might soon find himself to be a male bride to another, more scarier rapist (Inmate #13124etc...). Ryker's Island is full of those people.
ReplyDeleteStrangely silent are the feminists...
ReplyDeleteYes, there is a lot of strange silence over this incident. . .time permitting, we will get into the *silence* in future entries on this regrettable incident.
ReplyDeleteFor now, let us just ask if there would be a great deal more noise being made if the religions/ethnicities of the rapist and victim were reversed?