Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat ***
By turns impressionistic and expressionistic, Belgian filmmaker Johan
Grimonprez’s recent documentary Soundtrack to a Coup d’Etat weaves together
newsreel ...
1 week ago
The real Devil was right under the American's nose the entire time!
ReplyDeleteAl Qaida's evil can't compare to theirs!
Democrats are the problem and they have been ever since Jimmy Carter. You can look it up. They want to give away health care to everyone and illegal aliens. Pray that Palin wins in the next election.
ReplyDeleteDemocrat, Republican. . .six of one, a half-dozen of the other. The only differences between them are in the empty words they utter over the distractions they tease the sheeple with. Abortion, for example. They been playing the abortion game for almost 40 years, now. . .tinkering here and there, but no substantive changes. . .smoke and mirrors, hot air, blah blah blah, yet the sheeple are convinced the republicans are *against* it--but what have they ever done about it? Nothing.
ReplyDeleteFor the average American fat slob, his greatest enemy is his government, it don't matter whether it is democrat or republican. . .they both bend over for the corporate bosses and the New York Usurers.
I won't pray for Palin, but I'm not terrified like some of these phony progressives are of the idea of Palin as President. . .just as I said there would be no change from Bush to Obama (and I was right), the Military Media Complex will continue undeterred if pretty Palin were Presidentte. Better to pray for the Lord Jesus Christ to return ASAP than to pray pretty Palin get to continue America-as-mystery-Babylon.
The only politicians who are truly for change are marginalized as *kOOks* by the Military Media Complex (Kucinich, Paul amd some of the third partyers like McKinney and Baldwin).
Pray that Palin wins? Democrats are the problem? Huh?
ReplyDeleteThe Dems are pretty terrible as a party but the GOP has a horrid body of work. Never-ending wars, a massive debt, and general buffoonery.
It shouldn't be a positive when people say Palin "is just like us!" when those people mean it as "she's not all about that book learnin'." Yeah, Palin, like most of her supporters, can't cite a Supreme Court case (outside of Roe), doesn't read the news (outside of People), and don't know the job of VP (which is easy; call to see if the President is alive every morning and afternoon). That is to say, people like Palin because she's stupid just like them.
By the way, nice vids. Can you imagine if the US were to get out of the war business? What would happen then? Would we have to revert to the old farm policy except here pay weapons makers NOT to make weapons and soldiers NOT to kill people?
ReplyDeleteI liked the videos and I don't think Palin is stupid. She is against abortion and against gun control. No one said Palin is like you, ItpJewd. She was a governor elected by the great state of Alaska. Where are you from, Jew York? What have you been elected governor of besides nothing? Maybe you can run for Governor of my ass!
ReplyDeleteITP, you stand accused of being a Jew--how do you plead?
ReplyDeleteAs to being accused of being a Jew, I plead not guilty, though my father was born a Heb but adopted by Christian parents from Texas at age 2 or so. Later, he mated with my mother, a Lutheran. I was baptized Catholic. Nowadays if I were to identify with a church it would be the one I go to every so often, the Society of Friends or Quakers. And I'm a son of Dixie having been born and raised in the South and most of that in the Deep South. I'm also a gun-owner. I've never caused an abortion and would like to think if faced with such a challenge, I would do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteSo, Mr. Anonymous strikes out on all charges. I'm not a Jew nor am I a New Yorker nor am I anti-gun (implicit accusation) or pro-abortion (implicit accusation). However, he is correct that I have not been elected as governor of any state. If we were to look at electoral success as being the sole qualification, one must point out that Alaska's population is less thank 700k. Obama probably "community organized" about that many deadbeats in Chicago.
As to AK being a great state, a great state of what? Being on welfare? Being a drunk? Beating your wife? Alaska's great at all three, Mr. Anonymous.
But in the end, it's not about where Palin is from or even her stated belief system. The frank truth of the matter is she is not qualified to be POTUS on the intellectual level or character level. The more you get to know her, the more you realize she is not an intellectually curious person. Also, her public feud with her daughter's boyfriend Levi has shed light on her maturity level. One gets the feeling she was quite catty in high school and has been stuck in the arrested development of a teenager passing mean notes in class.
All that said, the liberal-elite was relentless in their attacks on Palin and flew off the mark several times in their misrepresentations. Palin never said she could see Russia from her house. She said there were parts of Alaska where one could see Russia which is true. The clothing scandal smelled unfair. She's a lady from Alaska with a limited wardrobe so the McCain campaign decided to dress her up a little bit to improve her appearance. Isn't that was all major campaigns do? Who paid for Clinton's haircuts? The clothing scandal was a joke.
All that said and done, Mr. FTBTFI probably hits it best when he says "six of one, a half-dozen of the other" in the broad context that both parties are somewhat controlled by these huge mega-corps and their money interests. And unduly influenced by the Israeli lobby. On that front, it is 6 of one and a half-dozen of the other.
Morally, I have a hard time differentiating between the Dems and the GOP, whether it be our current prez accepting a Nobel Peace prize while simultaneously bulking up our military presence in Afghanistan, or the faux-biblical grandstanding of the Islamophobes.
ReplyDeleteI always thought ole Bill Burroughs put it best when he compared politics to a bullfight. The "capote" is just a distraction - something to keep the bull occupied while the matador plans the death blow. And, of course, Americans are exceptionally prone to these kind of distractions; our sense of "tribalism" is akin to the self-policing factions you'll find in a modern-day prison yard.
And iptdude, if you're really the down-home, country-fried goy that you claim to be, how do explain away THIS picture, taken by my own (exceptionally trustworthy) PI?
Caught up in a little web of deceit, aren't we?
Unless that picture was taken on Halloween, I would say ITP has been outed.
ReplyDeletedammit dammit dammit. . . . .
ReplyDeleteI worked so hard to keep my true identity under wraps. It was a phase.
And I reiterate, the Dems and GOP are largely as Mr. FTBTFI describe: six of one and a half dozen of the other.
ReplyDeleteFinding Palin distasteful makes one no more of a Democrat than finding Stalin distasteful makes one a Nazi.
A Quaker! Well, pardon me, me'lady. A Quaker with a Jew father and baptized a Catholic. What a mess. I rest my case. None of ITP's groups know Jesus, and those sorry Catholics are just as bad as the Jew and Quakers. A funny hat does NOT make the pope into Jesus! I'll bet you and Silas share an apartment in SanFrancisco, and work together in an abortion clinic when your not at home bobbing on his knob. You probably make Jesus want to puke, but maybe he will still sraighten you both out if you thank him for paying on the cross so you fruitybastards won't have Satan dump a can of whoopass on you.
ReplyDeleteNow you've gone and done it, Mr. "Anonymous": questioning my sexual penchants as well as my moral convictions. Knob-bobbing? A "fruity bastard"? Abortion-clinics?
ReplyDeleteDo I ( ) really look like the kind of person you want to mess with? Does this look like the face of a man you'd want to threaten with a broken whiskey bottle? I didn't think so.
I just saw your photograph Silas and now I want to apologize so we can be friends. I have a soft spot for Latinas like you. If ITP is also a puerto rican girl, then you should get a case wine and come around because I am just dieeeeeeeeee'in to meet choo!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your diplomacy, Kind Sir.
ReplyDeleteSomething incredible occurred to me: Mr. Anonymous is getting worked up in defense of the GOP and Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, are you Joey?
There is another person posting here as anonymous and I don't know what that fudgepacker is talking about. If you are talking to me, I think anyone named Joe who goes by Joey must be wearing fancy toenail polish. Now the reason you should vote Republican is so we don't get sent to FEMA camps by these Commie democrats when they try taking our guns and forcing us to get flu vacines. They think cutting the population will stop global warming so they want to sterilize us with h1n1 shots and make people have abortions since we won't have guns to defend ourselves. Read about chemtrails on google.
ReplyDeleteMr. Anonymous, may I nickname you? Guppy or something like that?
ReplyDeleteYour posting is hilarious. Anyone named Joe who goes by Joey is wearing fancy nail polish? Ha ha ha! YOU are hilarious, sir.
Now off the the abortion rendering plant!
Here's another good article on the chicanery of Goldman-Sachs:
What Goldman Sachs’s workforce produces is different from what employees do at other financial institutions, leading some people to question why the firm is entitled to taxpayer support. It doesn’t operate branches or automated-teller machines. Only millionaires can open checking accounts. Instead, Goldman Sachs exists to serve large corporations, governments, institutions and wealthy individuals.
It makes money for them and for itself by trading assets ranging from stocks and bonds to oil futures and credit derivatives. In the first nine months of 2009, more than 90 percent of the company’s pretax earnings came from trading and principal investments, which include market bets, stakes in corporate debt and equity, and assets such as power plants.
“People who know the industry and know Goldman Sachs know that it is a giant hedge fund, but it’s wrapped in an investment banking wrapper,” says Samuel Hayes, a professor emeritus of investment banking at Harvard Business School in Boston. The public “would be horrified to think that their tax dollars were going to a hedge fund.”