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Gender-Fluid American Church-Goer |
'As far as Jill was concerned their 31 year marriage was rock solid,' a friend said. 'But there's no coming back from the hurt and humiliation he's put her through. It was the ultimate betrayal.'
The Tennessee teacher in earlier years held a series of quick-turn jobs, most lasting about a year. He was a dialysis machine technician, an office manager at a gas service, a plant employee at a sponge factory, a car salesman and, finally, a parts manager at an automotive store, before embarking on the course which would lead him to a teaching job and Elizabeth Thomas. Cummins and the 15-year-old student spent ten days hiding at a remote hippy commune in the California wilderness where they posed as a married couple, planned to stay 'forever' and were seen 'making out' like lovers by a camp fire. Tad Cummins, 50, and missing teen Elizabeth Thomas arrived at Black Bear Ranch near Cecilville, California, two weeks ago hoping to start a new life after almost six weeks on the run. The isolated 'clothing optional' mountain community, located in Siskiyou County, has no phone signal, no internet connection and can only be accessed via a treacherous dirt road 15 miles long.
The pair told unsuspecting commune members that they were called John and Joanne, aged 44 and 24, had been married a year and had left their home state of Colorado where John worked as an EMT [Emergency Medical Technician] and a kayak instructor. But Cummins' conservative Christian beliefs, lazy work ethic and powder-keg temper soon led to conflict with commune residents and the couple's life on the run began to fall apart. And after just ten days on the ranch the pair was kicked off the property and fled to a campsite in nearby Cecilville. Two days later - after a tip off from a campsite caretaker - Cummins was taken into custody by a SWAT team who found him and Thomas holed up in an unfinished cabin next to a creek. Cummins has since been charged with aggravated kidnapping and sexual contact with a minor in Lawrence County, Tennessee, and faces up to 12 years in jail. He also faces a federal charge of transportation of a minor across state lines with intent of having criminal sexual intercourse, which carries a minimum ten-year sentence, and further state charges in California.
April Showers, a 24-year-old transwoman from Pennsylvania, gave the couple a tour of the property when they first arrived. 'When they showed up they seemed really scared and apprehensive, his [Cummins] hands were shaking,' she said. 'But they soon settled down and he said, "This looks like home forever." They were clearly hoping to stick around for a long while.' The picturesque 80-acre community, founded in 1968 with the slogan 'free land for free people', runs off the grid and boasts several buildings, workshops and cabins, a lake, a meadow and a rope bridge over a stream.
The Tennessee teacher in earlier years held a series of quick-turn jobs, most lasting about a year. He was a dialysis machine technician, an office manager at a gas service, a plant employee at a sponge factory, a car salesman and, finally, a parts manager at an automotive store, before embarking on the course which would lead him to a teaching job and Elizabeth Thomas. Cummins and the 15-year-old student spent ten days hiding at a remote hippy commune in the California wilderness where they posed as a married couple, planned to stay 'forever' and were seen 'making out' like lovers by a camp fire. Tad Cummins, 50, and missing teen Elizabeth Thomas arrived at Black Bear Ranch near Cecilville, California, two weeks ago hoping to start a new life after almost six weeks on the run. The isolated 'clothing optional' mountain community, located in Siskiyou County, has no phone signal, no internet connection and can only be accessed via a treacherous dirt road 15 miles long.
The pair told unsuspecting commune members that they were called John and Joanne, aged 44 and 24, had been married a year and had left their home state of Colorado where John worked as an EMT [Emergency Medical Technician] and a kayak instructor. But Cummins' conservative Christian beliefs, lazy work ethic and powder-keg temper soon led to conflict with commune residents and the couple's life on the run began to fall apart. And after just ten days on the ranch the pair was kicked off the property and fled to a campsite in nearby Cecilville. Two days later - after a tip off from a campsite caretaker - Cummins was taken into custody by a SWAT team who found him and Thomas holed up in an unfinished cabin next to a creek. Cummins has since been charged with aggravated kidnapping and sexual contact with a minor in Lawrence County, Tennessee, and faces up to 12 years in jail. He also faces a federal charge of transportation of a minor across state lines with intent of having criminal sexual intercourse, which carries a minimum ten-year sentence, and further state charges in California.
April Showers, a 24-year-old transwoman from Pennsylvania, gave the couple a tour of the property when they first arrived. 'When they showed up they seemed really scared and apprehensive, his [Cummins] hands were shaking,' she said. 'But they soon settled down and he said, "This looks like home forever." They were clearly hoping to stick around for a long while.' The picturesque 80-acre community, founded in 1968 with the slogan 'free land for free people', runs off the grid and boasts several buildings, workshops and cabins, a lake, a meadow and a rope bridge over a stream.
'We knew they were definitely having sex because we could hear them, we kind of thought she was young, even though she said she was 24. It didn't seem right. A few people said, 'wow, she's really young.' He told us he was 44, which was still a lot older than her. We were getting really weird vibes from them, they weren't integrating with the group, they were going off by themselves, they were asking for their own cabin, but we were like, 'no it's too soon'.'
April added, though, that she thought the couple seemed 'in love' - an idea that will sicken Thomas' family. 'They were constantly making out, she sat on his lap a lot,' she said. 'They were always attached to each other, they seemed genuinely in love, like lovers. It was weird to watch because he's a lot older and she's younger. 'She didn't say much, but you got the impression he was more like a doting father, rather than a dominant force.
Cummins and Thomas would sometimes stay in their attic room all day, sleeping in and having sex, the residents claim. 'They were up there for long periods,' April said. The attic room has a filthy, old double-mattress on the floor, surrounded by book shelves filled with dusty books. Cummins and Thomas rarely ventured out during the day. Commune rules suggest residents carry out a minimum of four hours work per day in order to contribute. Duties include cooking, cleaning, tending to the animals or collecting vegetables from the greenhouse – chores often carried out naked depending on the weather. But another resident, Sophia, who has lived at the commune for four years, said the couple was 'lazy'. 'If people allow it, you can make it here easy by doing very little. But everyone has to pull their weight,' she said. 'John (Cummins) didn't offer to help out, they did help with the chickens one time and did the dishes a couple of times, but they seemed lazy, they didn't want to do anything.'
Sophia, said the former health science teacher seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders – not surprising given the huge nationwide manhunt then underway to capture him and get his former student home safely. By contrast Thomas was 'having a blast' - a sign, perhaps, that Cummins had brainwashed her sufficiently to believe their trip was a long vacation. Little did she know that their journey would end with his sudden arrest and the prospect of 12 years behind bars for her kidnap. 'She was not scared at all, she seemed like she was having the time of her life, having a blast,' Sophia said.
But as the days went by the commune residents began to feel a 'negative vibe' around the couple. It was nearing their two-week check-in - a review all new arrivals go through - when all the other residents came to a consensus that they had to leave. 'John [Cummins] said they were Christians, but we made clear there is no religion at the commune, we're not about that,' said Sophia. 'They were really conservative in their views and prudish about any nudity, which is something we enjoy, and would even shower with their shorts on. 'And they were just not integrating or connecting with anyone, they had to go.'
'So I had a conversation with John [Cummins] and I told him they can't stay. He got really mad, he was growling and shouting, she said, "Calm down honey," she kept calling him honey. He was flipping out and I thought it was going to get crazy, we're out in the middle of nowhere here, anything could have happened. I managed to calm him down, but he was still angry. He said, 'You're prejudiced towards us because we're hetero [heterosexual], white Christians'. Then they left quick, they were gone.' Sophia added: 'We like to give people a shot, but if people don't fit I like to speed things up.' Adding, in a plea to attract more suitable and interesting residents: 'We're looking for witches, queers, artists, writers, musicians, thinkers and revolutionaries, not fugitives and kidnappers.'
We are told in her time of need church-goer Jill Cummins, the betrayed wife who was kicked aside after what must have been a dreary, unsatisfying 31 years for her husband and jailbait addict Tad Cummins, stayed away from the Sunday service.
Isn't that interesting?
Hurt, abandoned, humiliated. . .Jill Cummins, in her darkest hours, stays away from church.
Quite an advertisement for the faith. . .
One has to wonder: what was the point of Jill Cummins going to church all these years, if the church is of no value when she is suffering her greatest distress?
Why would a hurting church-goer hide from church? Church, where the heavy laden are supposed to find rest.
Deep down, does she feel guilty? Does she blame herself for her husband's pedophiliac outbreak?
Does she look in the mirror at her glutton's body and see a gender-fluid nightmare? A biological woman with a National Football League lineman's body?
And did she nag Tad Cummins through his endless string of low-paying jobs, always hectoring him for more material gain?
Who knows? All that is known for sure is Jill Cummins' husband ran away with a 15-year-old girl in an impossible sexual folly. Even the most faultless wife would doubtless wonder over her share of the blame. And so, perhaps, she didn't continue as a church-goer because of embarrassment and shame. Didn't want to be seen by the other church-goers as the frumpy, dumpy wife whose 31 years of cohabitation produced a helter-skelter pedophile. The larger point being:
The church-goer Jill Cummins didn't feel she would be comfortable in church. So she stayed away.
American churches are notorious as the habitations of good people. Church-goers who wear nice clothes and congratulate themselves on how much God loves them. The truth being:
The Church today is the same as the House of Israel in Jesus' day: no place for sinners, misfits, the poor.
Stained by her husband's sin, Jill Cummins no longer qualified as a church-goer. It may be the saving of her soul.
Jesus wanted nothing to do with the House of Israel except to tear it down and rebuild it with Israel's lost sheep. And Jesus wants nothing to do with today's Church of church-goers. His mission remains ever the same:
They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. . .
The tree is judged by its fruit. That the bruised Jill Cummins felt disqualified from the Church testifies to its rot. May she now be blessed to hear the Call of the True Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Tad Cummins was a church-goer, also. . until he became a jailbait-goer. And yet he insisted, as he was being kicked out of his and his 15-year-old lover's Eden, that he was a member of the Church.
You're prejudiced towards us because we're hetero white Christians, he accused those who gave him and his 15-year-old lover sanctuary.
Spoken like a true American church-goer!
Only the Lord Jesus Christ knows the true members of His Church. . .and yet had Tad Cummins behaved as if he were a true member, he'd probably still be on that filthy double mattress in the attic room at the Black Bear Ranch frolicking with his teenage lover.
But he was lazy, refusing to get off that filthy double mattress and do his chores.
He was judgmental, scandalized by his nudist hosts.
He was contrary, refusing to mix with the eccentric pagans who fed and housed him and his child pseudo-bride.
And when he wore out his welcome and was asked to leave, he became angry and cast himself and his Walmart Lolita as victims of the Faith.
While his hosts acted as Good Samaritans, Cummins acted like an entitled boor, exalting himself above the pagan customs of Black Bear Ranch. He alienated those who would have accepted him into their community, and gave them no choice but to ask him to depart. Had he behaved as Paul did amongst the barbarians at Melita, he and his girl-wife could have screwed every night till the cock crowed thrice.
The plain truth:
Tad Cummins' greater sin was not the leaving of cum stains on that filthy old double mattress in the attic room of Black Bear Ranch, but the filthy staining of the Faith of Christ he left with the pagan ranchers. And in the here-and-now, it cost him his freedom. . .
Yet I am sure he would run away with his underage lover all over again. All his adult life had been spent as a goer, going here, there and everywhere, going through the motions of the dead *American Way of Life,* most of it with a dumpy wife/ball and chain around his ankle, weighing down his every half-hearted step. . but when he got his one chance, he seized it.
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
What else was he going to do? Keep going to church? Fake smiling and pretending he had found Life, when it was really just a circle of soul-jerkers?
I'm sure Tad Cummins will cherish the memory of his life on the run with his girl bed mate. . .it will sustain him through the years of incarceration, which, after all, will hardly be more dismal than what he had with his church-goer wife. But will those memories sustain him in the here-after? Through the unending weeping and gnashing of teeth?
Isn't that interesting?
Hurt, abandoned, humiliated. . .Jill Cummins, in her darkest hours, stays away from church.
Quite an advertisement for the faith. . .
One has to wonder: what was the point of Jill Cummins going to church all these years, if the church is of no value when she is suffering her greatest distress?
Why would a hurting church-goer hide from church? Church, where the heavy laden are supposed to find rest.
Deep down, does she feel guilty? Does she blame herself for her husband's pedophiliac outbreak?
Does she look in the mirror at her glutton's body and see a gender-fluid nightmare? A biological woman with a National Football League lineman's body?
And did she nag Tad Cummins through his endless string of low-paying jobs, always hectoring him for more material gain?
Who knows? All that is known for sure is Jill Cummins' husband ran away with a 15-year-old girl in an impossible sexual folly. Even the most faultless wife would doubtless wonder over her share of the blame. And so, perhaps, she didn't continue as a church-goer because of embarrassment and shame. Didn't want to be seen by the other church-goers as the frumpy, dumpy wife whose 31 years of cohabitation produced a helter-skelter pedophile. The larger point being:
The church-goer Jill Cummins didn't feel she would be comfortable in church. So she stayed away.
American churches are notorious as the habitations of good people. Church-goers who wear nice clothes and congratulate themselves on how much God loves them. The truth being:
The Church today is the same as the House of Israel in Jesus' day: no place for sinners, misfits, the poor.
Stained by her husband's sin, Jill Cummins no longer qualified as a church-goer. It may be the saving of her soul.
Jesus wanted nothing to do with the House of Israel except to tear it down and rebuild it with Israel's lost sheep. And Jesus wants nothing to do with today's Church of church-goers. His mission remains ever the same:
They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. . .
The tree is judged by its fruit. That the bruised Jill Cummins felt disqualified from the Church testifies to its rot. May she now be blessed to hear the Call of the True Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Tad Cummins was a church-goer, also. . until he became a jailbait-goer. And yet he insisted, as he was being kicked out of his and his 15-year-old lover's Eden, that he was a member of the Church.
You're prejudiced towards us because we're hetero white Christians, he accused those who gave him and his 15-year-old lover sanctuary.
Spoken like a true American church-goer!
Only the Lord Jesus Christ knows the true members of His Church. . .and yet had Tad Cummins behaved as if he were a true member, he'd probably still be on that filthy double mattress in the attic room at the Black Bear Ranch frolicking with his teenage lover.
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Tad and Elizabeth spent many hours fucking on this mattress |
He was judgmental, scandalized by his nudist hosts.
He was contrary, refusing to mix with the eccentric pagans who fed and housed him and his child pseudo-bride.
And when he wore out his welcome and was asked to leave, he became angry and cast himself and his Walmart Lolita as victims of the Faith.
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Elizabeth wears her lover's shirt at a Walmart |
The plain truth:
Tad Cummins' greater sin was not the leaving of cum stains on that filthy old double mattress in the attic room of Black Bear Ranch, but the filthy staining of the Faith of Christ he left with the pagan ranchers. And in the here-and-now, it cost him his freedom. . .
Yet I am sure he would run away with his underage lover all over again. All his adult life had been spent as a goer, going here, there and everywhere, going through the motions of the dead *American Way of Life,* most of it with a dumpy wife/ball and chain around his ankle, weighing down his every half-hearted step. . but when he got his one chance, he seized it.
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
What else was he going to do? Keep going to church? Fake smiling and pretending he had found Life, when it was really just a circle of soul-jerkers?
I'm sure Tad Cummins will cherish the memory of his life on the run with his girl bed mate. . .it will sustain him through the years of incarceration, which, after all, will hardly be more dismal than what he had with his church-goer wife. But will those memories sustain him in the here-after? Through the unending weeping and gnashing of teeth?
This article is repulsive and that's to say the least. Whoever wrote this crap should be ashamed of themselves. Miss Cummins has been through hell and back. How dare anyone write such garbage.
ReplyDeleteShe's *been through hell and back,* and finds no benefit in her local church--I feel no shame in making that observation.
ReplyDeleteBut thank you for the feedback. . .
ReplyDeleteAfter surviving a trip to Hell and back, Jill Cummins finds comfort at the First Church of Inside Edition, where she reveals her suffering at the hands of her husband's 15 yr old rape victim, whom she likens to a Judas-figure.
Now that's repulsive. . .