22 March 2025


As God decreased, mental illness increased. . .

Man tries to cure it today with chemistry, but chemistry is what set man down the tragic path to illness, mental and physical, when the fruit was eaten.  In fact, it is mental illness that manifests first: note the behaviors from Adam and Eve, particularly the neuroses provoked by nudity. . .

Chemistry cannot cast out chemistry. . .

A more effective approach would be to try to return the individual to an Edenic environment. . .after all, they were cast out of Eden and the environmental degradation further exacerbated their chemical degradation.

Depression, or the more poetic melancholia, is a collapse of the life impulse, the sufferer will yearn for death, due to self-punishment, failure to achieve, either the law or the self (guilt under law, failure of self, both are pure punishment), only Jesus can set the soul free from the law of sin and death. . .

Depression is the healthy, rational reaction of the fall of man to the chemical alteration of being human.  No one can deny that Adam and Eve were less human after the chemical castration of the Tree.  Thus all of modern medicine's attempts to treat depression by chemistry only follows Satan's path to chemically reduce man to an even further fallen state.

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