There’s a lot of crazy shit that goes on that most people seem to act surprised about when they find out. Even people who are involved in crazy shit act surprised when other people involved in crazy shit get caught.
The story like the one pictured above, it’s easy to act superior and point a finger and laugh, Hell, that's usually how I react. But the older I get, the less inclined I am to do it, and when I do it, the malicious joy is much more short-lived.
Let’s be honest, people have very little self-control. And very little control of their desires. I mean, we have a degree of self-control, otherwise the *real world* would be live action PornHub. But our minds are a beehive of aberrant thought that we can barely hold back, like a serial killer who satiates his blood lust and is able to maintain a relative control for a few weeks or months until the lust boils over again. Well, that’s how we all are with our own little manias. So this poor sucker in Minnesota got caught. And his discovery will upset his life and his family‘s life. He brought it on himself, yes. But haven’t we all?
I’ve written, in story form, some of the worst things I’ve done. Written it either 100% truthful, or with exaggeration or diminishment, but always accurate enough to present personal failure. But the absolute worst things I have ever done, I leave that shame to rot in the cesspool of my memory.
But it is interesting to me, all the things that we hide from shame. And yet the absolute worst, most horrible filthy degenerate deeds, such as the current Israeli carnage in Gaza, there’s no shame at all. They are discussed very matter-of-factly, with no shock or surprise that it is taking place. What an insane world.
Given the fellow from Minnesota's political and personal profile, it's probably a good guess he is a zealous supporter of Israel. And he had no shame about that, nor brought any shame upon his family. But now that he is caught trying to fuck an imaginary girl, he is cast out.
This is the Age of Confused Ideas. Nobody can correctly identify anything, from their own gender to genocide.
There is no authentic righteousness in the world. The world is an insane asylum. Almost all human behavior is abnormal. Abnormal from what most people generally agree would be theoretical decent civilized human conduct. Why callest thou Me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.
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