internet is littered with iPamphlets questioning the *reality* of Sandy Hook.
Hook: On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, age 20, fatally shot twenty children
and six adult staff members and wounded two at Sandy Hook Elementary School in
the village of Sandy Hook in the town of Newtown, CT. Before driving to
the school, Lanza had shot and killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, at their Newtown
home. After killing students and staff members, Lanza shot himself in the
head as first responders arrived.]
I was
amazed how quickly the Sandy Hook conspiracies were birthed. Literally
within hours after the first reports of the school shooting, crude videos
appeared on youtube questioning the *official story,* even though there had as
not yet been issued an *official story.*
Most of these early conspiracy theories dealt with the *second shooter,*
a man wearing camouflage pants and a black jacket who was shown, via helicopter
news footage, being arrested in the woods behind the school. But even
though the identity of this man has never been revealed, nor how law
enforcement *authorities* eventually disposed of him, the conspiracy theorists
quickly lost interest in the *second shooter* (their one piece of *hard
evidence*), and moved on to more *metaphysical* speculations, to the point that
now even the *reality* of the shooting itself is in question.
far we have *progressed* since *9/11!* It took years for the Twin Towers
conspiracy to move from the farthest fringe into the kind of mainstream
internet kOOkery Sandy Hook has inhabited since Day One. This may be because the theory for the
Sandy Hook conspiracy is easier for the average AmerICKan slob to wrap his dumb
head around:
ordered the killings of the elementary school children to provoke support for
his fascist plan to take away our guns.
this to the theory behind the *9/11* conspiracy:
allowed 3000 AmerICKans to be killed to provoke support for an endless series
of neocon wars.
*9/11* conspiracy theory will never really take hold because it is senseless to
most of the AmerICKan populace. After Bush I's first Gulf war and
Clinton's Serbia war, AmerICKans were already conditioned for *military
adventure*. . .they needed no *false flag* operation to get onboard the Good Ship
Perpetual War. AmerICKans already loved killing the others long before *9/11,*
and thus to suggest BushCo staged *9/11* to gain support for something the
sheeple already approved appeared (rightly) illogical. *9/11* will never
come close to gaining even the kind of small acceptance the Sandy Hook
conspiracy had attained by the end of Day One.
Sandy Hook conspiracy theorizes the AmerICKan is the ultimate *target.*
The government is coming after AmerICKans. The *9/11* conspiracy
theorizes the others are the ultimate target. *9/11?* Who cares if
the government wants to kill some sand niggers so zionists can sleep
*peacefully?* BushCo didn't have to knock over the Twin Office Buildings
to convince AmerICKans of the necessity of sand niggericide. That was
already the AmerICKan mindset. But Sandy Hook? Obama wants our
guns. AmerICKans care about that (as stupid as that is. Given their
immaturity, dim-wittedness and narcotization, AmerICKans are the last people
who should be allowed guns). A fair number of AmerICKans are gun faggots,
and fervently believe Second Amendment hocus-pocus. Fear and paranoia are
staples of human nature, and it doesn't take much prodding to rouse them: a
couple early conflicting news accounts, Obama grandstanding with fake tears,
and voila!, Sandy Hook was a government operation leading to gun control.
interests me most, however, is that Sandy Hook has moved beyond conspiracy.
*Reality* is now questioned:
wonder now if anything can ever *really happen* again?
this age where most Westerners and a fair numbered of coloreds exist mostly on
the internet, can anything in the *physical world* ever be self-evident, again?
Westerners and a fair number of coloreds are hooked the majority of their
waking existence to some sort of electronic Media device, and participate in
life most actively through something called *social media.* This means
the reality of the physical world is now instantly translated into internet
applications. The reality of the physical world is thus instantly
degraded into an electronic *update* or *status* or *tweet* or *instagram* and
is then further degraded by the moronic feedback (*comments*) posted by the
great unwashed electronic masses. The result is a kind of Jesus Seminar
for the Real World.
Jesus Seminar were a group of 150 *scholarly* anti-Christs, 2000 years removed
from the physical reality of the Lord, who nonetheless confidently and
arrogantly tweeted their uninformed theories questioning the reality of the New
Testament's eyewitness accounts of the life of our Lord and Savior.
we live in a world where everyone is a *Jesus Seminarian.* Everyone is a
*scholar.* Everyone exists on the internet, and can now question the
reality of the physical world. It is the internet we all now share.
The physical world, the world of time and space, in which we dwell less
and less, has now become the *virtual reality.* The more we live in the
internet, where everything appears the same to everyone, the more the physical
world, which we share with only a few, becomes more and more strange. . .more
and more *unreal.* When something extra-ordinary happens in the physical
world, we rush to the internet and try to make sense of *life* by rendering it
in 140 text characters or less. And then we wait to see what our
electronic friends have to make of it. . .
in the brave new world of the internet, it becomes inconceivable that six Sandy
Hook Elementary School children seeking safety after their teacher was shot
could have stumbled onto the driveway of Gene Rosen, who becomes an accidental
caretaker/hero. Inconceivable because Rosen wept too much on television.
He *acted* out his grief a few times during interviews, which were then
tubed infinitely on the internet, thereby draining the last drops of
authenticity. Replayed over and over and over and over and
over and over and over and over and over and over and
over and over and over and over and over again in the cybershphere,
Rosen is (over)exposed as a fraud, an incompetent actor hired by the government
to advance its gun control agenda. A hero in the ever decreasing and
dubious physical world, Rosen becomes an outcast on the internet:
no, Sandy Hook never really happened. . .
We now
live in an Age when nothing can attain the status of myth. The *Holocaust* can never happen again,
because it would be instantly and endlessly revised.
And so,
no, nothing can ever really happen again. . .
Is anyone legitimate really taking these conspiracy folks seriously? Maybe the Alex Jones crowd, but who else?
ReplyDeleteThe kid was a recluse who could stay inside all day. His mom got something like $200k a year from her ex-husband. The kid didn't have to work. He ordered stuff off Amazon or New Egg and played internet games all day. "Where was he for the last 3 years?" He was leveling up on World of Warcraft.
What really gets me are the types who say things like "Why can't these nutjobs just off themselves and be done with it"? Those of us who believe in total depravity know better.
ReplyDeleteAt the other end of the *can anything ever really happen again* spectrum is the Manti Te'o farce.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the only reason Te'o participated in this hoax was to get even more pussy than he was already getting. He was already bagging the cheerleaders and other assorted catholic chick jock sniffers. . .but no doubt he wanted a taste of that refined intellectual chick, the icy blondes and prissy brunettes from the English department he infrequently crossed paths with on the campus. No doubt the tear jerker about the leukemia girl softened up those studious girls who wouldn't normally give a dumb jock a second look. They were raped by fraud, and now must feel like the dumb trash they used to look down their noses at.