12 May 2015

Who Will Be Killed First? Pamela Geller Or Abby Martin?

So we know Americans love to congratulate themselves on what great defenders of freedom of speech they are, they tolerate this and that, everybody can say what they want and it's all good. . .unlike the boorish muslims who can't take a fucking joke about their prophet. Why, just a week or so ago, poor Pamela Geller was marked for death by the Islamic State for promoting muhammad cartoons, proof the muslims are humorless louts. Americans, with their long tradition of upholding freedom of expression, would never descend to that level of primitivism, to respond to the speech of another, no matter how contrary to the prevailing cultural tide, with the threat of violence. After all, free speech is one of the cherished hallmarks of *American Exceptionalism,* the hocus-pocus which cloaks American military operations in the guise of freedom.  We love freedom so much, we're willing to kill millions of the others to force it down their throats.  So you'll never see red, white and blue Americans acting like backward, savage muslims, threatening death over the free expression of ideas, no matter how supposedly sacred the subject.


Er. . .

rawstory.com: Fans of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle have threatened to rape and kill former RT anchor Abby Martin for criticizing the deceased Navy SEAL and creating a T-shirt they find offensive. . .

Ha ha ha. . .

Read more here and here if you think this is just an idle threat from one or two demented SEAL fanboys, and not, perhaps, representative of a minority of Americans as similarly unenlightened and quantitatively equal to that of the Middle East's Islamic Staters. . . 

The truth is, 21st century Americans love freedom of speech--but in only regard to vulgarity and pornography.  Americans fear free political speech, which is why, for example, only the democrat and republican figure-heads are allowed entry to the presidential debates, and not all the other candidates who have met ballot qualifications.  God forbid sensitive Americans should hear a libertarian or green party candidate tell them their wars have been colossal mistakes. {gasp.} Why, doesn't everybody know America has never done anything wrong?

Listen, Americans love free speech the same as anybody else, pollacks or greaseballs or krauts, whatever, all the free speech anybody wants is to hear only what they want to hear. . .

But American hypocrisy re: free speech isn't what interests me about these Pamela Geller/Abby Martin stories. . .ISN'T IT FUCKING FASCINATING TO COMPARE WHO THE ISLAMIC SAVAGES AND AMERICAN SAVAGES ARE WILLING TO KILL FOR?

The Islamic Staters want to kill for their god's prophet.  However misguided in their identification of god, at least their mistaken cause has the aura of the cosmic and the eternal.

The Americans want to kill for a MOVIE CHARACTER. . .

Can we suppose nothing exposes the shallowness of a culture more than who its followers are willing to kill for?

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