Daily Mail, 8 August 2015: Donald Trump has publicly lashed out after he was banned from one of the biggest gatherings of conservative activists over controversial comments he made about Fox News host Megyn Kelly. In an interview with CNN on Friday, the GOP frontrunner appeared to imply that Kelly 'unfairly' grilled him about his history of insulting women during a televised debate because she was menstruating. He remarked that there 'was blood coming out of her... wherever', sparking outrage and causing RedState's Erick Erickson to boot him off the line-up of the high-profile event in Georgia. On Saturday, Trump took to Twitter to hit back at his critics, writing: 'So many "politically correct" fools in our country. We have to all get back to work and stop wasting time and energy on nonsense!' In a later post on Saturday morning, the 2016 presidential candidate added that his remarks about Kelly were not made in reference to her menstrual cycle - but to the host's nose.
Her nose? Huh?!?! Sure. . .
Anyway, this blood feud highlights, once again, the utter absurdity of AmerICKan *democracy.* We have a debate with ten men who want to lead the *most powerful nation in the world* and apparently nothing of interest was said in the two hour discussion of the *issues,* as the only issue that seems to have emerged is the issue flowing from between some talking head's legs. . .
We can tell already the sheeple are going to be treated to another election devoted to trivia. . .
Endless war, shitty jobs with shitty wages, outdated infrastructure, irradiated Pacific coast, homicidal police force, educational system producing ignorant xenophobes, intoxication, addiction, violence: I assume at least some of these topics were discussed? But doubtless the audience was treated to the same empty sloganeering to which they've grown accustomed, and which they now regard as genuine policy. . .you know, the political bromide which soothes the sheeple as their standard of living declines further and further:
Our troops are the finest in the world, and I'll devote the resources necessary to maintain that high standard, and to secure our borders, and fight the enemy over there, so we don't have to fight them over here. . .
I have a detailed plan to grow the economy and free those languishing in poverty from the shackles of a lifetime of government dependency. . .
We have to lower taxes on the rich and eliminate all corporate gains taxes so our entrepreneurs have the incentive to create good-paying jobs that will rebuild the American middle class. . .
If the teachers unions continue to waste parents' money on "conferences" and refuse to accept parents' input on curriculum, we need to give parents the freedom of school of choice. . .
For at least a generation the sheeple have heard these *policies,* with minor variations suited to the itching ears of regional, racial or *alternative* audiences, from both sides of the 1%ers political proxies. . .and they've come to believe there is no other way. And so when a Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich comes along (let alone a genuine radical from a green or constitutional party), the sheeple nod their dumb heads as Media tars-and-feathers them as kOOks (or, when all else fails, as an anti-semite).
So, the *debate* generated nothing but the same political manure that has been used to fertilize the Presidential field for decades. . .
And when the candidates have interchangeable *policies,* with nothing to differentiate themselves, the AmerICKan democratic system becomes the *democracy* of scandal, or gaffe, or novelty (as in the last election, with a half-negro, and perhaps in this election, with a postmenopausal, or half-woman).
The role of Media is no longer governmentally adversarial, wars are cheered on, banks are validated as *too big to fail,* etc. Media is now personally adversarial, its function is to provoke the scandal or gaffe which will capture the sheeple's attention, and boost the ratings of the political theater. . .thus the Trump blood feud with the FOXy talking head. . .the politics of distraction, of which there will be much, much more to come. . .we're only getting started.
As for Trump himself, he'll undoubtedly flame out. . .he's far too thin-skinned to go the distance. . .look how easily he took the bait from the FOXy talking head. His post debate comments reveal his over-sensitivity. Listen to how obsessed he is with being treated *nice:*
He tells the Minister of Propaganda Hannity his entire decision whether or not to run as a third party candidate is based on how *nice* republicans treat him!! Ha ha ha! It doesn't matter which clown wins the nomination, any idiot is OK with Trump, as long as the party is nice to him! No political principle factors into the decision, it's entirely based on republicans' petting his fluffy hair! Has there ever been a cheaper political whore? Just be nice to me and I'll do whatever you want! It doesn't even take money to buy this stupid cunt. . .
Yes, Trump is definitely a cunt, and if anybody was bleeding from the pussy, it was Trump, not the FOXy talking head. Again, listen to this crybaby:
Waa-waa! You're not treating me nice!
And this lightweight is currently the People's Champion! AmerICKa is down for the count. . .