Here's Corbyn's platform:
Investing half a trillion pounds in rebuilding Britain's industrial infrastructure, building millions of homes, making universities free, and re-nationalizing the country's railways, utilities and postal service. He proposed to pay for all that by hiking corporate tax rates from 17 to 26 percent and imposing taxes on real estate and incomes over $100,000 a year.
The Western Media, hardly free, controlled by fewer people than make up a National Football League team, and a propaganda distributor for the ultra-rich, always mock even these most modest economic proposals to just slightly lessen the burden of the poor. Older whites always fall for it, for they're still under the illusion/delusion they're *middle-class,* but, increasingly, Western white youth see through the propaganda and realize they are no better off than most niggers. . .hence they gravitate to *populists* like Corbyn and Sanders, even though Jez and Bern are old enough to be their grandpa.
Media claims *shock* at these election results. . .of course, Media aren't really shocked, Media's just grateful Western medicine can keep enough old fart diabetics, heart patients and alcoholics alive long enough to let *conservative capitalists* squeak through a couple more elections and squeeze the last few drops of blood money from the turnip poor.
The greatest lie of the last century in the West is that around 90% of Americans believe they are middle class. That idea has stamped out any real revolution and has allowed demagogues like Sanders to call out the so called top 1% because it provides cover for the real problem - the top 25%. Over 90% of wealth is concentrated at the top 25%.
ReplyDeleteAnd almost all the top 25% consider themselves middle class. Truth be told, the top 25% wants the top 1% to redistribute the wealth to the top 25%.
To Hell with the 75%.