27 July 2024

Trump Says I Am Not One Of You

I commend Donald J. Trump for truthfully telling America’s self-proclaimed Christians that he is NOT a Christian.  

For over a decade America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians have sat Trump at the Right Hand of God, and proclaimed Trump to be the Lord Jesus Christ’s best friend and chosen leader of His sheep.  America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians have hid behind Trump, used him as the carrier for the dark, ugly, wicked virus of their hearts: the hatred of the other, the hatred of the poor, the love of Satanic violence.  

America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians tried to deceive others into believing the hatred in their hearts was sanctified by God through His Son’s supposed anointing of Trump.  They didn’t deceive anybody but themselves.  And now their savior Trump has left them without excuse before Almighty God. 

America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians actually thought they could turn their sin into righteousness through the filter of a rapist, a child abuser, a liar, a thief, a murderer, Donald J. Trump.

But now Trump has told them, plainly, he is not a Christian.  He does not follow Jesus.  He is, in fact, an anti-Christ.  And the hatred of the other, the hatred of the poor, the love of Satanic violence they have attributed to passing to Trump from the Throne of God, is not so.  Their shared hatred and their shared love of violence comes directly from their own hearts.

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.

Trump tells America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians do not use me to sanction the evil of your heart to your God, I am not one of you.

Trump tells America’s loathsome self-proclaimed Christians to have his courage, stand before God and tell Him you hate the other, you hate the poor, you love Satanic violence.  Do not stand before God and tell Him He delivered this gospel to you through Trump.  Tell Him you received it and loved it willingly from an open anti-Christ, a person who clearly stated he is not a Christian.

Trump played these self-proclaimed Christians beautifully!  He toyed with them for over a decade, took hundreds of millions of their dollars, waved a bible in their faces and implied, but never stated, they shared the same faith.  He knew they shared the same wicked heart, though, and he knew he how to exploit them to his own advantage.

Why does he tell them now, at the eleventh hour, I am not one of you?

He hates them for not fighting for him, for not over-turning the election, for not starting a civil war when he was convicted of 34 felonies.  He hates them for being useless to him when he was being humiliated.  He hates them because their God was useless to him.  

And he believes god (whatever god he believes in) saving him from the assassin's bullet is a sign He can now openly exalt himself above Jesus.

So he now says, if you want to come with me, let it be clear to the world, to the heavens, you follow me, not Christ.  I am not a Christian.  You decide who is your God.  

I have to laugh at these loathsome self-proclaimed Christians, for I know they will continue to follow Trump, and will continue to try to pass him off as Jesus’ buddy, their entire lives they have served two masters. But now they must do it in truth, for Trump has said I am not one of you.  If you follow Trump, Trump is your master.  

Anytime one of these pathetic, loathsome self-proclaimed Christians tries to pass off their hatred of the other, their hatred of the poor, their love of Satanic violence as Christian because God has sanctified it through Trump, Trump’s own words make them an even greater liar than he is!  Astounding!! 

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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