28 February 2025

The Critic And The Crow

When you’ve had to work as many shit jobs as I did back in the day (because I always had contempt for my superiors, and sooner or later, usually sooner, I couldn’t, or wouldn’t, hide the contempt and I would either be fired or quit just before I was about to be fired) you would run into a lot of oddballs and interesting characters. Without a doubt the most interesting was The Critic. The Critic was the greatest hustler and con man I have ever met. I met him at one of his low points after his first great fall. I had to take a job at Kinko’s. This is back before FedEx acquired Kinko’s. Back when Kinko’s was just a copy shop. The other employees were The Critic and four members of a local rock ‘n’ roll band who were just starting to make a name for themselves, and Astrid, the girl who did the desktop publishing work at Kinko's, and who was a girlfriend of one of the band.

The Critic was a tall, obese man with a booming voice, and when he spoke to you he would get right in your face and his head would bounce from side to side as he interrogated you or offered up his unsolicited opinions on anything and everything under the sun, or told tall tales about his personal history. Spittle often flew from his mouth as he told you his many accomplishments, which were all the more amazing considering his tragic upbringing (vicious beatings from his father, insane religious training from his mother, early sex addiction due to an unscrupulous female teacher, etc.).

I would be working at a copy machine and The Critic would lumber over, get right in my face and boom “AC/DC never made a single bad album! Never! We're all going to watch Astrid shave her pussy tonight, you wanna come?” and then he would turn around and stomp away before I could answer 'yes.'

I would be working at a copy machine and The Critic would lumber over, get right in my face and boom "I've got a metal plate in my head from the time I drove my cab into a Boeing 747 on the runway at Metro Airport!"

The members of the rock band told me what they believed to be the true story of The Critic. He had been an arts editor at a weekly newspaper when he was fired after it was discovered his resume was a work of fiction, including a masters degree from a prestigious university. He had now attached himself to the rock band and the rock band had let him attach himself as they both used each other's connections in the arts scene to promote each other. It was a strategy that was successful for both. The Critic would rise again, suffer an even greater fall, and then make an even greater rise to the position he maintains today as one of America's preeminent music critics. If you are a hardcore music fan and research music on the internet, you have read one of The Critic's reviews. You might not recognize his name, but it is impossible you haven't stumbled across one of his reviews, either online or in print in Rolling Stone, Creem, Musician, Spin. There are lengthy, heated debates about The Critic on internet music forums, there are parodies of his reviews, as the Critic is the master of the 3 star review, hedging his bets, never upsetting anyone, providing a few biographical tidbits then stuffing the review with empty phrases such as *open and purposeful melodies,* *the approach is both organic and disciplined,* and *appealing chord changes and a pop sensibility.* He invented a successful formula that pleased enough artists, content creators and fans to maintain a three decades long career.

Anyway, I worked with The Critic at Kinko’s for a couple months then got fired for cursing at a customer. My next job was as a manager of a store on the campus of the University of Michigan at which, among many other things, we happened to sell used CDs. That’s when I next ran into The Critic. I hadn't seen or heard from him in quite a while. I had no idea what he was up to. I was working in the store when the cashier called me to the counter. There was The Critic! We looked at each other in surprise. It turned out The Critic was still making his way back to the top. He had at this point secured a position as a music buyer for the most prestigious record store in the area. He had come into the store to sell some used CDs, well, technically they weren't used CDs, they were promo CDs The Critic had received as music buyer, these weren't supposed to be sold, but The Critic and I quickly agreed upon an arrangement profitable for both of us. I would buy his promo CDs for five dollars each, he would get three dollars and I would keep two, then sell them to my customers for 8 bucks. Once a month The Critic would come to the store and we would make ourselves a tidy little sum. We agreed workers were entitled to steal from the owners who exploited us.

If you’ve read this far, I apologize. I’m not going to finish this boring anecdote from my early work life. In truth, I lost interest almost as soon as I began writing it. I thought I could push through, but with every sentence I thought: what’s the point?

Anyway, I’ll give a brief summary of what was going to follow, so you at least will have some sort of conclusion.

I was going to tell about the day The Critic came into the store with an associate previously unknown to me. While we were doing the paperwork on our CD business, the critic introduced his associate. James O’Barr. ‘Hello.’ ‘Hello.’ We shook hands. Did I know him, The Critic asked? No. The Critic informed me James O’Barr was the writer/creator of a comic called The Crow, and had just recently concluded a lucrative movie deal.

All the while The Critic was explaining this to me, O’Barr stood there looking embarrassed by all The Critic’s effusive praise.

You would never guess from O’Barr’s appearance and demeanor he had just scored a huge success. He wore old blue jeans and a t-shirt, he looked about my age, late 20s or early 30s, a little bit younger than The Critic, he looked like he could be a pizza delivery driver or a grass cutter, just an ordinary white Downriver working class dude.

The worst part of the encounter was when The Critic informed me that the tragedy at the heart of The Crow was based on the real life tragedy O’Barr suffered with his girlfriend. O’Barr had to listen to The Critic, in his booming voice, explain to me about the brutal car crash from a drunk driver that killed O’Barr’s girlfriend. It had to have been an unpleasant experience. Here was The Critic, in his booming voice, telling O’Barr’s most painful experience to a complete stranger. He looked very uncomfortable, but didn’t say anything.

After The Critic finished with his recitation of the tragedy, we all stood there enduring an awkward silence. Finally I looked at O’Barr and offered the best platitude I could muster: gee that’s rough, I hope your artistic work can bring you some sort of peace. He mumbled something I couldn’t understand and nodded his head.

O’Barr accompanied The Critic one other time into the store. That meeting wasn’t as uncomfortable or awkward. We exchanged a few sentences, I can’t recall the exact detail, just mundane talk. I retain the impression to this day O’Barr was the most humble, down to earth person I ever met. You would never look at him and imagine he was some big comic book and movie guy.

I have no idea if O’Barr and The Critic remain friends or acquaintances or whatever they were. I would run into The Critic every four or five years, always under some odd chance encounter. My last contact was by email. I arranged to do an interview with him for this blog. Sent him the questions. He never responded. I asked him three times if he had changed his mind or if he just needed more time to answer the questions. He never responded.  Was he offended by the questions?  Who knows?  I haven’t heard from him in eight or ten years, probably.

The End.

27 February 2025


I am at an age and stage in my life where I no longer have to work for a living. I do, however, work a part-time job at our local mall selling chocolates. I do this because I like to have a few extra coins in my pocket. I work two or three shifts per week, just enough to pay for a little extra amusement here and there.

Of course, that still leaves me a lot of free time. One of the hobbies I have picked up in my old age is writing to prison inmates. Of course, I only write to the famous or infamous or notorious or whatever you want to call them. I don’t write to just some random thug who sold drugs or shot his neighbor.

I like to ask these inmates to reflect on their lives, if they believe they understand themselves and what led them to act in the ways that led them to prison.  I also ask if they have a philosophy or theology, and if they are able to find any meaningful way to spend their time behind bars. 

Most of the inmates either aren’t capable or aren't inclined to engage in any meaningful correspondence. I've had some interesting conversations with a few, but most of them ignore my questions, and, instead, ask for some form of aid.

There is one inmate who is his own *category,* if you will. He will try to answer my questions in a serious fashion, but becomes frustrated with his own limited understanding, and then moves to a series of random research questions.  I don’t know if he doesn’t have access to a computer, or really doesn’t know how to research on a computer, but, for example, he will ask me to look up details on the figures associated with his case, lawyers, judges, police detectives, psychiatrists, etc. He likes to know if they are still alive, what they’re doing etc.  He also asks me about relatives of his victim. It seems to me he’s hoping to outlive them all, which would give him a sense of satisfaction.  "I may be behind bars, but I am above ground, which is better than you." 

But the overwhelming primary interest he wants me to research is celebrity women, singers, actresses, porn stars. In his latest letter he gave me the names of four porn stars and asked me to find out in the photographic and video material that is available on the internets how much detail you could see of their anuses.

Well, for me, it's a pleasant way to pass the time. And I feel good that I’m helping somebody in prison, that I am bringing a little joy into their otherwise dreary gray life.  Doing good for others is a tonic for the soul.

26 February 2025

A Penny For Your Thoughts

Besides my two sons, my only living blood relative is my first cousin Mike. I never particularly liked him. When we were kids, he stole a 1909-S VDB penny from me. He was always very materialistic. He always had more money than me. When I was an adult, I wouldn’t give him the time of day.

My ex-wife, my sons’ mother, was very big on family. She pushed and pushed for me to have our family meet Mike’s family. He was married to some broad and had four kids of his own. I finally relented. Over the course of three or four years we probably got together as families five or six times. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Then Mike became a MAGA. That was fine with me, do whatever the fuck you want, but it wasn’t fine with him that I wasn’t a MAGA. The cocksucker proselytized me more than a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness, but I would not relent.

I should also say that at this point in his life my cousin Mike thought he was quite a Christian and quite an expert on the Bible, but in reality he didn’t know shit about the gospel. He tried to tell me you couldn’t be a Christian if you didn’t support Trump. I tried to gently set him straight, but of course he didn’t hear a fucking thing I had to say. Then when Trump lost his election to Biden, I sent my cousin Mike an email in which I said ‘don’t worry, it don’t matter who the president is, your day-to-day life won’t change at all.’

He was furious. He said he could no longer have ‘fellowship’ with me.

I resisted the temptation to email him back and say ‘I never liked you, anyway, you fucking cocksucker.’

I bet that worthless cocksucker still has my 1909-S VDB somewhere.

25 February 2025

The Ronald Wilson Reagan Effect

I began to closely observe the external world in the late 1960s and 1970s. I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of my memories, and I am confident in asserting people are much uglier than they were in my youth. It was not unusual to see an attractive person in the late ‘60s and ‘70s. In fact, it was quite common.

It’s hard to look at most people nowadays. It’s not just because most of them are fat. Even those who are of a somewhat normal weight are unpleasant to look at.

What could be the reason for the deterioration in physical appearance? Lack of sunlight? Radiation from all of our electronic devices? Environmental and psychic pollution? Micro plastics? Exponential increase in the intake of pharmaceuticals?

There are frequent news stories about young people losing interest in sex. Most young people don't fuck. Can you blame them? Even an ugly person doesn't want to fuck an ugly person. The human race will disappear due to ugliness. Sad.

Well, now that I think about it, it’s a not only human beings who have declined aesthetically. A similar decline can be observed in architecture, landscape, literature, cinema, music, economics.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but all these declines began with the increase of Ronald Wilson Reagan in 1980.

24 February 2025

The Gospel Of Jesus

For the first sixty-four years of my life, I thought I had to do something, accomplish something, behave some way. 


We simply exist. In the hive. Subject to supernatural forces.

Our temporal actions are inconsequential. Vanity. Fruitless. Masturbation. A delusional outburst. Schizophrenic ideation.

Setting an alarm to make sure you are on time for your lord the world is soulicide.

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ: The function of existence is the revelation of truth. What is your position in Christ?

The only freedom is to be called out of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The worst sin a person can commit is to be called out of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ, and then still continue to set an alarm.

I wasted my whole life on sin, when I could have been free.

One of Paul’s most idiotic pieces of advice was when he advised those Corinthians who had been called out of the world by Jesus Christ to then remain in whatever situation in the world they were in.  ‘Go on setting an alarm. Keep performing the role the world assigned you.’  LOL!  That’s the mistake, the sin I committed.

Paul always wanted to set masters over people, both in the church and in the world. 


Those who are called out of the world by the Lord Jesus Christ have only one Master, Jesus.  They are set free from the world. To remain in the world is sin. Did Jesus tell the rich young ruler to remain rich?


When Jesus calls you out of the world, you are to give up everything of the world and begin doing the labor of the kingdom of God. 

The Lord Jesus Christ said: 

‘Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.’

Paul’s idiotic advice to stay in your current position in the world is not the narrow way, LOL!

If Jesus has called you out of the world, you are free. This freedom can only be actuated by being contrary to the world. This is the gospel of Jesus. 

23 February 2025

Darling Strange

Watched a movie today.  The title: Strange Darling.  It's a serial killer thriller with a lot of modern takes on identity and gender.  Pretty good movie.  Well-acted by the two leads. BUT. . .

It has one of those *non-linear* scripts.  You know, the fucking movie starts with the middle, then jumps to near the end, then goes back to the beginning, flip-flopping all the way through.  So tired of this gimmick.  This shit ain't even remotely avant garde or interesting anymore.  It's tired.  Just tell the fucking story from beginning to end, already.   And it's a very crude chop job, anyway.  It ain't even truly non-linear.  If you want an example of true non-linear cinema, watch Last Year At Marienbad. This shit in Strange Darling is just amateurish, and it made me annoyed at what was a decent-enough flick.  

22 February 2025

Saturday At The Park

I am sitting on the bench at the Square, Cascade Square, you know, the one with the statue of the naked lady.  I have my lunch with me.  An applesauce cup. There is an empty coffee cup on the bench left by some previous deadbeat. I think about swiping it away, but I lack the required energy.

I stare at the statue of the naked lady for quite a while. She was modeled in what I guess they call a Rubenesque fashion. She has big fat titties and a big fat ass. 

I continue to stare at the statue.

If I were going to make a statue of a naked lady, Kate Moss would be my model.

I continue to stare at the statue.

Anyway, when the statue was first erected(!), it was probably milky white, but now time and pollution have muddied it up. This used to be a statue of a white woman.  Now it looks biracial. So I guess this fat broad, no matter what time in history, always reflects the make-up of our great nation.  Ten years from now an earthquake will probably rattle it enough to crack a piece loose from the belly and it will hang down like a cock, so that the statue looks like a big fat nude tranny.

After staring at the naked lady a while longer, I open up my little applesauce cup. 
My teeth hurt. Decades of eating pussy. The germs and bacteria and filth from a 1000 vaginas dripping into my mouth and infecting my gums and corroding my teeth. Now I can barely chew anything. I eat mushy foods.

The End