Oh, man. . .
I canceled my cable about 15 years ago. . .FOX was crap back then, and judging from this clip, it must be even worse, now.
First of all, who is the talking head? She looks half-an-Afrikan, herself, and here she is blaming all these murders-by-cop on the "minority" victims. Is she some Uncle Tom Sowell sell-out with a cunt? Or just some shit-tinted white?
But anyways. . .
Look at that demonic flag waving in the background while the mudperson talking head demands we OBEY the po-lice. Can you imagine the (brain-damaged) minds of the sheeple who voluntarily watch this shit? The unthinking sheeple who automatically believe the po-lice and the state are always justified in their use of violence? Who don't give a shit if some raggedy-ass "minority" is shot and killed over some trivial traffic violation, because the "minority" didn't OBEY, like they do? And the sheeple unashamedly admit they need to be TRAINED by their masters, as some nitwit named "Larry" (probably watching FOX with his buddies Curly and Moe) does with his *instapol* comment:
The general public needs to be trained to be more sensitive to the police and show them the respect they deserve. . .
If "Larry" is real, and not some government social media bot sent to tweet to the American lemmings, then he cannot be in control of his own mind. . .he's one of the tens upon tens of millions of Americans living in an altered state of consciousness, submitting to the will of the government, and thinking and acting against his own best interest.
The general public needs to be trained to be more sensitive to the police and show them the respect they deserve. . .
Ha ha ha. . .
If the po-lice were shown the respect they deserve, some of these murders-by-cop might actually be done by po-lice who genuinely "feared for their life."
How many millions voluntarily watch FOX, with the demonic flag waving in their face and the talking head/state propagandist demanding they OBEY?
If Thomas Jefferson were to come out of his grave and watch the above video, he'd take out his pen and write something like this:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants and propagandists. It is its natural manure. . .
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