“Let’s get out of here,” I say to Siegfried.
“I was thinking the same,” he says. “You wanna go to the titty bar?”
“Good idea. Those girls are a little more sporting.”
“Let me hit the head and take a piss, first.”
I stand there, waiting for Sig. More than a few people are staring at me with a look of contempt. I feel tired and on edge.
It’s never far from mind. That thought. That knowledge. That knowledge of how far you are from Christ. Of how far you miss the mark. In the end, you’re just tired of yourself. The real horror of Hell: You’re left as you are. None of this corruptible putting on incorruptible. You're left as the sorry sack of shit you are. That's got to be the worst of Hell.
I see that Martian I’d Like to Fuck heading my way, still looking angry.
“Do you think it’s funny?” she barks.
Name badge: *Judora.*
I don’t have the energy to ask: *do I think what is funny?*
“We’ve seen you and the other one, before,” she says. “You’re interfering!”
I don’t have the energy to ask: *interfering with what?*
She’s angry, this one is. Well, who the Hell is she, to be angry with me? It don’t matter what I’ve done, or what I haven’t done. . .people got some God damn nerve, being angry. What gives this person the right? Her anger wires me right back up. That’s what people just don’t seem to get.
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
I’m tired. I just wanted to sin, find some nutty star-gazer to play with. Is that too much to ask? I don’t have the energy to go through all these God damn charades. I don’t have the energy to sin enough to get to the sin I really want: some body to use.
I don’t know how most people follow through, I really don’t. At heart, I’m a quitter.
I stand there while this Judora jabbers in my face, as if she has the right to be angry with me. It’s all draining away. . .draining away.
I remember this other night. . .some other night. . .a different night. . .from a long time ago. . .I hadn’t know Siegfried too long. . .we ended up in a motel room with a beat-up looking white whore. *Honey,* she said her name was.
The idea was that we would both have her, simultaneously. When Siegfried first pitched the idea, I remember thinking it was a little too homosexual for my taste. But the more Siegfried talked about it, the more he really got into describing it, the more I realized he viewed this tag-team partnership as a double assault on whatever poor whore we could find, a double degradation, a double insult.
So we’re in this motel room with this ugly white whore, this *Honey.* She was so ugly, really, it was criminal. She was criminal. I could momentarily convince myself she deserved to be abused. That’s all it takes.
She stripped off her clothes and climbed on top of Sig like it was the nothing that it was. Now I’m supposed to get up there and join the fray, as they say.
That feeling of being old and tired, no energy, hit me. It was just too much of a hassle to climb up on that bed and go to work. That’s what it seemed like: like it would be work.
I sat on the edge of the other bed and turned on the TV.
“What are you doing?” Siegfried asked.
“Ain’tcha gonna fuck me?” the whore asked.
“You guys were made for each other,” I say. “It wouldn’t be right for me join in. I’d just spoil your fun.”
I remember that scene very well. The blue glow of the television illumining the dingy motel room. . .and a kind of dull strobing flash as I flipped from channel to channel. . .the creaking of the other bed. . . And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. . .and here were three living souls, gathered together in that shabby motel room. You think of the uncountable billions and billions and billions of drops of blood, sweat, sperm and tears that preceded and formed that squalid scene. . .all the efforts of Creation to produce this tiny corner of the universe where three strangers could amount to nothing. . .it must have all gone wrong so long ago, it was now impossible to stop our own dissolution.
I flipped from channel to channel, and then there he was.
Jimmy Swaggart, crying like a baby.
“I have sinned against You!” he cried to God.
I learned later he had been caught with a whore in a seedy motel. It’s a small world, indeed.
I’ve always liked Swaggart. He was a great storyteller. . .a really first-class orator. . .at his best, he was truly spell-binding. But he had a problem that most of them have: he was a phony, a fraud. No, he wasn’t phony about his faith in Christ. He seemed entirely genuine, in that. But he was a phony about himself.
I remember watching old Jimmy, watching him on that television in that sad little motel room while Siegfried and the whore *made love,* watching him and thinking:
If there could be one preacher, one preacher anywhere, who wouldn’t wait until they got caught with their pants down.
If there could be one preacher, whose very first words in his very first sermon in front of his very first congregation would be:
I’m a scumbag. You, sir, there in the second row. . .I confess I would love to be in bed with your wife and your daughter. . .but I pray to God in Jesus’ name I enter not into that temptation. . .Christ, I pray You save all of these set before me, save them all from me.
Then, later, when he got caught, at least nobody could call him a hypocrite. . .we’d be a little further along than we are now, where we all have to pretend.
I watched Swaggart’s sermon, then I climbed onto the other bed. . .
I remembered that night, that scene, as the Martian I’d Love to Fuck was lecturing me. She lectured me and lectured me. At the end, she had this to say:
“We’re at the door to a quantum leap in human consciousness. People like you are relics. You will be left behind. You have three or four years, at the most. And in the meantime, I advise you stop your harassment. Pay very careful attention to what happens to the other one. You could be next.”
And then she stalked away.
When Siegfried came back, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. The ghost that he was to become, I guess.
He wouldn’t say anything, until we got out to the parking lot.
It’s really a hard story to make sense of. Siegfried, of course, became a *believer* in alien abduction. He spent his remaining months studying everything he could on the phenomenon. He became particularly obsessed with a book written by a fellow named David Jacobs: *The Threat: Revealing The Secret Alien Agenda.*
Well, to be honest, I got a little tired of hearing about the alien plan to takeover the earth. I wasn’t a good friend to old Sig, as he lay dying. My visits became pretty infrequent, as the cancer ate away his life. The cancer that had started in his testicles. . .the cancer he first detected that night at the Troy Hilton Garden Inn, at the Alien Abduction conference, when he went to the restroom to take a piss. He told me in the parking lot that as soon he had unzipped his pants, he felt a terrible pain in both of his testicles, a sharp ache that shot up and seemed to go right into his stomach. He said he felt his own testicles, right there at the urinal, and to his horror he discovered they were covered with little hard lumps, like pieces of uncooked rice. . .both testicles, just like little sacks of uncooked rice.
Of course, he was in no mood to go to the titty bar. I had to go by myself. Sig drove back to Chelsea, Michigan where he lived, to the hospital there, the emergency room. I heard from him a couple days later. Both of his testicles had already been removed. Cancer. Cancer not only in the testicles, but in the stomach, on the spine, the lungs, cancer damn near everywhere. The doctors were more-than-a-little puzzled at how he could have been so sick, and not had any symptoms until that moment he unzipped himself at the Hilton Garden Inn.
And the doctors were pretty amazed Siegfried lasted almost two more years. It was pretty brutal, though. He really wasted away. . .
The last time I saw him, about a month before he died, he had lost so much weight, and was completely bald, he kind of looked like an alien. . .so skinny, and with a big bald head, and sunken eyes. . .
It’s really a hard story to make sense of. Right after we laughed at the big ugly beast, right after we told her to squeeze Sig’s testicles, right after the Martian I’d Love to Fuck warns me to pay attention to what would happen to Sig, his testicles turn to uncooked rice.
Siegfried believed to his dying day that the *aliens* zapped him right then and there, as he walking to the men’s room at the Troy Hilton, with some kind of invisible *ray,* some kind of radiation beam that instantly turned his insides into a cancer soup. And, really, you can’t blame him for thinking this. Though, as I said, to hear him preach on and on about *aliens* as he lay dying, became a little much.
Let the dead bury their dead, as Jesus once said, and I guess this can apply to aliens as well as humans. . .
When I was at the titty bar later that night, I got to thinking about Sig, trying to make sense of it. . .and I had this young woman, a young woman who called herself *Angelina,* help me. . .
I gave Angelina 25 dollars and she danced right in front of me. . .her vagina about 8 inches from eyeballs. . .and I looked real hard at it. . and I thought about what had happened to Siegfried. . .and I was staring at the vagina, that little hole from which we enter the world, and I realized:
We are all aliens here. . .we all come from some other dimension. . .sure, some guy ejaculates his semen into the hole, and the sperms travels to the egg and crashes into it like American Airlines Flight 11 hitting the North Tower, and life begins anew. . .sure. . .but staring at Angelina’s vagina, I was fully satisfied, once again, that life simply cannot be that mechanistic. . .
Staring at Angelina’s hole, I seemed to see all the untold billions and billions and billions and billions, the mega-billions, of nameless, faceless humanity, copulating. . .in a moment of time I saw the history of human sexual intercourse. . .an ultra hyper-speed slide-show of ruined hymens. . .after the last trickle of blood from the last torn hymen, I saw Eden, the perfection of Eden. . .a garden of greens and reds and yellows, blues and pinks, colors so pure, it was almost blinding to behold. . .and then materializing out of the earth, like a funnel cloud shooting upward, there appeared Adam. . .a substance from another dimension, deposited here by God. . Adam, the first alien.
I realized as I was staring deep into Angelina’s vagina, that even though we may have all dropped out of similar sad, tired holes, there is somewhere in all of us a little bit of Adam, who came from somewhere better. . .we truly are strangers and pilgrims here on the earth. . .waiting for the Mother Ship Jesus to take us home.