16 April 2013

Who Is My Neighbor? In Boston, It Ain't Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi

Bostonians are falling all over congratulating themselves for their kindness and charity exhibited during the Marathon bombing. . .as one news story framed it: 

Out of the horror of the Boston Marathon bombings, there emerged uplifting examples of human kindness as the city's residents did all they could to help those caught up in the attack.

Well. . .er. . .there's one colored boy (our Marathon John Doe #2 from yesterday's post) lying in a Boston hospital who might be wondering where his Good Samaritan was.  Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi,  a 20 year old student at the New England School of English, was injured during the attack. As he fled the scene, looking for medical help, he was roughed up by a group of Boston Good Samaritans and then turned over to law enforcement officials, after being falsely accused of involvement in the bombings.  Now, I am sure there are plenty of (white) folks who can tell heart-warming tales of generosity, but to fit the pattern of the Good Samaritan parable, the act of kindness must be directed to the other.  White AmerICKan-on-white AmerICKan love don't fill the bill. . .nor does this:

Sources told FOX 25 there was an American Airlines flight that was headed to Chicago. There were two men on that plane – not sitting next to each other – and speaking Arabic. There were some concerned marathoners on the flight so the plane was brought back to the gate and the two men were escorted off the plane. No other details were immediately available.

And that ain't the last of it, now we have our John Doe #3. . .surprise!. . .another darky:

Authorities say they are searching for a darker skinned or black male with a black backpack and black sweatshirt, possibly foreign national from the accent of the individual. Five minutes before the first explosion, officials said this person attempted to gain entry to a restricted area. When turned away, he broke eye contact and pulled his sweatshirt hood over his head and left, officials said.

How easy it is to find the scapegoat. . .just look for the black sheep. 

1 comment:

  1. Pfffft! All these alibis will crumble after 30-40 hours of water-boarding.
